
"A management consultancy firm"

The business diversity, that characterizes the Mbaceto, is the result of a high Know-how partners acquired over more than a decade of hard work and dedication, which the activity of members, combines the academic valence to the experience of consulting in a lot a countries in all Africa, focusing in aspects of public affairs, lobbying and networking.

Solutions from the synergies

The Mbaceto., bases its strategy on developing profitable solutions from the synergies existents within the group, which aims the cooperation between states, transnational corporations, international organizations and non governmental organizations, to facilitate bilateral interests in new countries or new regions, distant in the geography they usually operate, by implementing a set of actions to identify business opportunities and advantageous partnerships between continents. 

Contact with us.

Together we will discuss and find the proper solution for in between us mutual benefit. It Is sure that if we work hard only success we can wait.